We’ll be happy to assist you to get the best motorcycle
loading ramp solution for your needs.
Pricing questions:
Regarding prices, you will find them on the Ramps page, and on the Accessories page.
Details regarding your vehicle / motorcycle:
When using the form below, please fill in the required information so that we may better assist you. For further details on these measurements and the ordering procedure, please take a look at our How to Order information.
We are a UK/Ireland wide distributor & stockist of Motor cycle loading ramp solutions for both personal & commercial users. Established since 2003 Motorcycle Ramps is a division of Access Needs.
We source , stock & personally deliver motor cycle ramps from all the quality ramp manufacturers that includes the following brands but not limited to: AMF Bruns, Autolift, Feal, Guldmann, Kvistberga, Neo-Dyne, RampItaly, Ricon, StepConcept Worhan & others.
We offer new but also quality used ramps for lesser budgets. Our van loading solutions can provide pivot operation , mesh surfaces, electric operation, detachability ,motorcycle loading , and a full range lengths/widths/strengths.
All ramps available to suit the full range of van sizes & heights that customers use whilst offering solutions for exact needs and loading specifications.
Our Details
Access Needs, 7 CIDO Business Complex, Carn Drive, Craigavon,
Co. Armagh, BT63 5WH, N.Ireland
FREE: 0800 0325 600
+44 2838 398877
Distributed from Bridlington/Yorks. Demos available in Bridlington or at your location if agreed.
Contact Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see the MOTORCYCLE LOADERS page and the MOTORCYCLE LOADERS ACCESSORIES page for pricing details. We will need a few measurements so that we can give you the best suggestion for your particular needs. Once you have all your measurements please Detailed description on How to OrderHow much does a Neo-Dyne MOTORCYCLE LOADER cost?
How do I order a Neo-Dyne MOTORCYCLE LOADER?
please contact us via our contact page.
We realized that most mechanically minded people have a cordless drill. So we designed the motorcycle loader to work using a cordless drill. No effort, no need for special installations or batteries, no need to drill holes, or draw cables. It should be a cordless tool using 18 or 24V, with an output of 50Nm. In an emergency, the motorcycle loaders can be operated by hand using a standard 19mm wrench (3/4"). The same size like most wheel bolts. The AUN 200 motorcycle loader will lift bikes into pick-up trucks with a load height of 900mm or 35". If you have a crew cab pick-up truck like a Jeep Gladiator for example (with a short cargo bed) we can then cut the base ramp to suit your exact cargo bed plus tailgate length. If on the other hand you have a long bed pick-up truck, you could use the AUN200 motorcycle loader together with the AC 004 tailgate adapter so that you can close the tailgate after loading the bike. By approximately 85 mm. However if straps are used to compress the front struts of the motorcycle, the height rise is zero, or negative. For example if the client compresses the front struts 100mm, then the motorcycle can be loaded in a space 15mm lower than its original height. If you wish to use our motorcycle loaders for your towing business, this does not pose any problem, however we advise to download our Maintenance Guide PDF, which you can find on our MOTORCYCLE LOADERS page, for weekly and monthly maintenance to keep the worm drive and lifting mechanism working as smoothly as possible.How does the Neo-Dyne MOTORCYCLE LOADER work?
Which Neo-Dyne MOTORCYCLE LOADER do I need for my specific Pickup and motorcycle?
By how much does the Neo-Dyne MOTORCYCLE LOADER raise the motorcycle?
Can I use your Neo-Dyne MOTORCYCLE LOADERS for a professional towing business?